This is our first chance to engage so thank you for meeting us here. We describe our involvement with freshwater as a story and perhaps an epic story because of its scope, scale, and duration. As we mentioned on the website we know we are only part of the story and can only tell our portion. So again, we invite you to share your story, your relationship or your experience with water.
I know you’ve had a chance to look over our website so I won’t re-describe who we are or what we do but I would like to offer up front that we have two fundamental perspectives with which we approach water and the earth’s other vital resources – (1) we view water in very human terms and (2) we are not interested in the retail debate about Why we are experiencing water scarcity across the globe.
Human terms. When we consider resources like water we do so with a focus on human survival; first, because beyond the rhetoric of anyone’s particular concerns, that focus will endure and emerge as most important; second, because by centering our work on the survival of our species and not on any particular piece of ground or body of water or on anyone’s thoughts about what they ‘own’, a focus on the survival of our species is the position most objective, apolitical, and the one most clear of special interest; and third, we think it is the correct focus scientifically and in human terms, transcends borders, and political platforms. In the end, it trumps all other concerns and therefore only that focus will reveal the options and opportunities with which we can move forward.
Not interested in the ‘retail' debate on Why. As we continue to explore the galaxy of data surrounding water issues here on earth, we discover that - the more we see and find and learn and the more data relationships and correlations that are revealed - the more the galaxy unfolds. The big-data we are exploring aligns with physicist Richard Feynman’s revelation in 1959 that, “there is plenty of room at the bottom” and as we map millions of bits of data it provides us the information we need to construct meaningful conclusions, predictions, and forecasts. My overall point here is that there is much to do and therefore we are not interested in joining ‘retail' debates on whether or how or how much humans are impacting the planet. We’ll leave that to others and focus on resolving the dilemmas we have, the ones we see coming, and the ones we expect. So we’ll just keep working and let the data speak.
As we mentioned, we know we are only part of the water story and we can only tell our portion. So again, we invite you to share your story, your relationship or your experience with water. Please post a comment with your story with water in order to share them with the broader community.
- Gus